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Awesome Happens

In the course of everyday life, unexpected mishaps occur. A passing car splashes water on you, your mobile phone slips from your grasp and crashes to the floor, or food stains your pristine white t-shirt—anything imaginable can happen.


As a brand dedicated to celebration, Smirnoff Ice aims to change this narrative. Instead of dwelling on "shit happens,"
Smirnoff Ice wants to promote the idea that "Awesome Happens!"


Smirnoff Ice seeks to infuse "Awesome Happens" into your daily routine, offering delightful surprises every time you indulge in a Smirnoff Ice.

For its initial launch in Malaysia, Smirnoff Ice introduced a Smirnoff Awesome Happens combi van, touring to pick up Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and shower them with continuous awesomeness. The initiative sparked lively discussions across various social platforms, leading to the launch of the Smirnoff Ice event. The "Awesome" experience didn't end there—it continued at the event, rewarding more attendees with the opportunity to experience "Awesome Happens."

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